I thought that technology literacy is something about knowing something about the technology, which includes how to use it and what are the technologies being used as of now.
My definition seems wrong since being technology literate is not only about being knowledgeable about using it, but knowing its efficiency and using it responsibly. By this values, you can be considered literate and use technology for communication.

For me, media literacy is about the knowledge on the uses of media and knowing how to use media as an effective source of information.
After learning the true definition, I learned that you need to analyze, evaluate and create media in various forms to consider yourself media literate.

My definition of information literacy is classifying the right and the wrong information. Knowing the right from wrong information makes a person information literate.
I realized that I have some misconceptions in my definition since information literacy involves recognizing when information is needed and being able to efficiently locate, accurately evaluate, effectively use, and clearly communicate information in various formats.

Media and Information Literacy is having knowledge to use media as an effective source of information. This includes the proper and responsible use of media to create right and precise information.
The true definition of media and information literacy is what allows people to engage with media and other information providers, also to develop critical thinking, especially in times of hard decision making to become a socially active citizens.


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